Sunday, May 15, 2011

April 30, 2011 - Country Music Marathon

My first marathon did not turn out the way I had hoped, but I did finish.

The alarm woke me at 3:30 and I was out the door by 4:15, heading to Nashville. I was at the ramp for LP Field about 5:10. There was a little traffic, so it was 5:20 before I parked. There were around 10 buses that would be carrying the runners to Centennial Park (the starting area) and would keep looping until 6:30. Well, the bus I boarded never left. I'm not sure what was wrong, but we had to get on another bus. If this was how may day was going to go, I was dreading it. The guy sitting next to me was from Lebanon - Lebanon, Tennessee. Of 31,000 people participating, I met someone from just down the road. I heard other people talking during the race - some places I heard were California, Louisiana, Michigan, Alabama, and Georgia. Of course, a Kenyon won the whole thing.

I waited for quite some time to use the port-a-john. There were a lot of them, but there were a lot more people. I then found my corral and began the wait for the starting gun. I had drank a 32 oz PowerAde on the way to offset my coffee. With less than 30 minutes left before the gun, I had to pee again. The lines were l-o-n-g! I got in line close to the corrals, but decided to run back to the others. I waited and waited. It was about 5 minutes after the gun sounded before I got to pee... and I peed and peed. I then jogged back to the starting line. My corral had not been released yet, so I eased into the middle of the pack.

During the first few miles, I tried to find my own pace and not get caught up within the excitement. My first 2 miles were my fastest - 9:10 and 9:13. I'm not sure how with all the congestion. Once, around mile 2.5, I looked up and thought everyone had stopped. "Why are we stopping?" Well, I soon found out it was a hill (or was that a mountain?) People were barely moving. On another occasion, I had to come to a complete stop when a water station was on a narrow street with a hill . And I didn't even get a water. I was kind of angry of having to run so slowly. According to the CMM, my 5k time was 29:54, my 10k was 59:59, and my 10 mile was 1:37:50. According to my GPS, my 10 mile time was 1:36:05. All but mile 8 (10:03) was under 10:00 for the first 11 miles. It went down from there. According to the CMM, my half marathon time was 2:14:23 - my slowest. Times and distances kept grew farther apart. The CMM had mile 20 at 3:58:32; my GPS had it at 3:48:14.

Around mile 22, I got some water and it was warm. I noticed they were getting it out of a water house. It seemed that water made me thirstier and my stomach began to cramp. Then, during mile 24, I had to stop to pee. At least I was hydrated. I did more walking than running during miles 22 thru 26, and that's a reason they were all over 19 minutes, with the slowest being mile 24 at 22:54. I finished, according to CMM, 26.2 miles in 5:59:29 (a 13:43) pace. According to my GPS, I had traveled 27.13 miles.

My Heart Rates: avg. 162, max 232, minimum 85. Recovery from 183 to 142. My max, according to 2 formulas should be 180. I would think at 232 I would have had a heart attack. The minimum was high I guess due to adrenalin. The "recovery from" was high due to me running at the end.

Toward the end, I was telling myself I would never run another marathon. The next day I began to feel an itch to run another.

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