Saturday, April 24, 2010

Rain & Tornado Watch

Nothing like rain and a tornado watch for motivation. I ran three miles today in 25:52, an 8:37 pace.

It had stormed earlier, around 5:00 am. The weather had calmed down (but more bad weather was expected), so before my run, I ran a few errands: Foodlion, Rural King, and the Animal House Veterinary Clinic. About the time I pulled in the driveway back it, the sprinkles started. I quickly changed into my running gear, while I kept changing my mind: I'm running; I'm not running. I finally forced myself down the road.

A motivation reason was that I should have been in Nashville running in the Country Music Marathon (at least the half marathon). Seeing those runners on the news before I set on my errands was another motivator for me to get back and run. I ran when it was below 20 degrees, a little ran wouldn't kill me, but the lightening could.

It was only raining, no lightening, as I headed out. Before I reached mile 1, the thunder began rumbling. About 1.5 miles, there was a streak of lightening. The thunder began rolling. There was only a few more flashes of lightening, during my run. My wife even came to rescue me, but I only lacked 1/2 mile so I turned down the ride. I couldn't quit that close to home. Discipline.

The thunder storm and tornado watches became warnings. The weather calmed for awhile. Then warnings came again. At one point, I looked out the front door. If I looked to the right, the rain was being blown to the left; when I looked to the left, the wind was blowing the rain to the right - right out our front door! We escaped any damages, though.

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