Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Monday, July 19, 2010

Well, I missed a 4 miler and my Saturday long run of 11 miles last week. No excuses, just lazy. It seems I spent most of my weekend eating.

I ran 5 miles today in 47:22 (9:28 pace). I should have ran 4 to stay with the 4,5,4,11 schedule that I didn't complete last week. I decided to run the extra mile as punishment and to help burn off some of the weight I put on over the weekend. The sun stayed behind the clouds, but it was 90 degrees and humid - "extremely humid", according to one weatherman. My heart rates: 166 avg. 186 max. 60 resting, with recovery from 179 to 139.

Although I didn't do much over the weekend, I felt quite thirsty and my legs were tired. I drank quite a bit - none of it was water - but never actually quenched my thirst. I guess this led to having blood in my urine again after today's run.

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