Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Thursday, May 20, 2010 - Did Not Run

I did not get in my 3 miles today. I thought I was finally going to start sticking to my schedule. Emily called and said they were eating at the Golden Corral for Shane's birthday. But that's not why I didn't run. I didn't run (or got to the Golden Corral), because I had work to do. I was trying to complete about a 100 page booklet, so Gibbs Brothers would be able to bid on Metro Nashville projects. This was not for a bid, but to allow us to bid. A lot of work for nothing, if we don't pass. I think we should - we've done the books twice before. It is for a 5 year period each time. The reason for such difficulty this time is that Metro changed just about everything that was to be included. I was up until 2:00 am and still not finished.

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